Obtaining a seasonaire visa as a UK citizen seeking work in France is one of the most common questions we get (thanks again, Brexit).
We’ll try to keep this blog as simple as possible for you and split the process into three sections: the why, the how and the visa validity.
The Why
A seaonsaire visa is appropriate for you to think about if you’re considering applying for jobs that sit between 3 and 6 months in length. In order to obtain a seasonaire visit in France, you must be sponsored by a company to do so. What this means is that they essentially apply for the work permit for you.
The How
Whilst the visa itself is free, your employer will have to pay for the following:
Approximately 30€ for the TLS visa appointment;
The Préfecture meeting;
Your medical costs, and;
Tax costs.
The timeline of obtaining your seasonaire visa looks a little like this…
Your employer will apply for the work permit.
You’ll be asked to send your passport off.
You’ll have to attend a TLS meeting in the UK, in either London, Manchester or Edinburgh. .
You’ll receive your passport back with your visa inside.
The visa will be valid for 3 months.
You’ll be asked to validate your visa by booking a meeting at the prefecture in France. Please note that you may not be able to get a meeting at the prefecture before your 3 month visa runs out, but what matters is the date that you booked the meeting. Top tip - try and book this as early as possible once you’re in France.
You’ll be asked to attend your visa appointment meeting at the prefecture.
You’ll have to attend a medical course at OFII.
The final step is booking your last appointment at the prefecture to collect your Carte Saisonnier.
We know, it sounds like a long process but your employer should have your back at every stage of the journey and help you through it.
The Validity
Once your Carte Saisonnier (your seasonaire visa) has been obtained, you have the right to work in France for up to six months in a calendar year, whilst remaining a fiscal resident elsewhere. To recap, fiscal residency determines where you declare your taxes primarily. in your country of fiscal residence you must declare your worldwide income, whereas elsewhere you simply declare your income in that country. With this being said it’s important to note that you’ll still have to submit a French tax return for the time period worked in France, as you’ll be recieving a French income.
If you’re planning on working for the same company for more than one season, once you’ve done the process once it becomes much easier for your employer. They’ll just be required to re-apply for your work permit, and you won’t have to go through the visa procedure again. Happy days.
It must be noted that the seasonaire visa unfortunately does not cover you working both winter and summer seasons in France, as you’d go way over the 6 months you’re allowed to work. With this being said, each individual scenario is different so please get in touch to discuss in more detail.
Thanks again,
The Aster Team